Sunday 29 April 2012

Smile. It's Good For You!

Hello!! As my blog is dedicated to things that make me smile I thought I’d begin by sharing a few facts with you about smiling and how much smiling can make you happier and healthier.

1.       According to psychologists smiling can lift your mood from a bad one to a good one almost instantly. Smiling also relieves stress as scientists have shown that when you smile endorphins are released helping you feel better and less stressed.

2.       It is true when they say that smiling is contagious. In a study done in Sweden it was found that people found it very difficult to frown at someone who was smiling at them, rather they felt themselves automatically smiling back.  

3.       It is easier to smile than frown; smiling uses fewer muscles than frowning. Frowning a lot can also cause wrinkles as you get older.

4.       Smiling is good for your immune system as you are more relaxed and this contributes to good health in general.

5.       Smiling is one of the only universal signs of happiness. It is also the most recognisable facial expression and can be seen from up to 300 feet away!

So there it is 5 things you may, or may not, have known about smiling and more facts can be seen here. Anyway I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope it makes you smile.

Peace & Love X

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